may his favor be upon you scripture

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TO be sure, nothing could be more true than to amplify Gods great holiness! Even in Dave Brennans commentary, he uses the word can in terms of misleading. And we can trust Him. And behind you, and beside you I appreciate your insights and that you found scriptural basis for the lyrics. Prayer For God's Favor Dear Jesus Christ, As I come to you in prayer, I ask that you might look upon me with favor. If you have any questions, please review our Privacy Policy or email us at I agree about the excessive repetition, although I think ones response to that can change with age, with younger people often wanting a more emotional, intense encounter and those who are a bit older wanting more actual content. It is the elevation of self or self blessing. Love is an emotion, not an idea. A second Biblical example of God's grace or favor can be found in 2 Timothy 2:1, where the Apostle Paul told his student Timothy, "You therefore, my son, be strong in the grace that is in Christ Jesus." Here, and in many other places in the Scriptures, God's grace gave the beneficiary the ability or strength to do something they . Amen, amen, amen Amen, amen, amen. Worship songs have God as the intended target; this song is clearly a blessing upon the congregation, which is fine, but its not directed at God. I especially loved Roberts heart in grieving about greed. The LORD is stated at the beginning and end of the first Verse. So some of the comments about receiving a blessing for ourselves over and over I certainly get. G#m. I would put forward that it makes a difference what is being repeated. For people who suffer from depression, PTSD, anxiety, negative self-talk, repetition of good and positive things is often the only way to recovery, because of how potent and incessant the unhealthy thought patterns are. Psalm 30:5 "For his anger is but for a moment, and his favor is for a lifetime. Since its a blessing, and blessings are given at the end of the service, my thought is that a church service could potentially end with this song. 1. I agree with you, except for the well intended part. The truly humble are not those who care for the vulnerable, or NHS workers (by means of paid work or voluntary service), but those who acknowledge their sin and turn to God. I also updated conclusion to explicitly state that its not appropriate for corporate worship, and that seeker-sensitive churches should offer an explanation. Ezekiel 5:8; Nahum 3:5; Rev. In explanation, over eating makes you sick & too much of anything diminish its value, instead of increasing its value & with all thy mind include we as Christians meditating on Spiritual things the right way. And of course worship goes beyond simply enjoying the lyrics and certainly was never intended to be tolerated but entered into. So true Shan! Found myself here after the principal of our Christian school (in Australia) shared the UK version that Simon above spoke about. Proverbs 13:11 says, "Dishonest money dwindles away, but whoever gathers money little by little makes it grow. At first I just listened with reflection. I think only believers receive the type of blessings they are proclaiming and would sing amen. So I assume theyre addressing believers, but it could be unclear. I have a real issue with this song as a praise and worship song. One final remark, in these days when the drum beat that is repeated through the media is fear inducing, perhaps we will need words of hope a thousand times to drown them out. And yes, there are many songs that just repeat the same human-centered ideas over and over, especially from certain seeker friendly churches. So, be encouraged, brother. All those critique do count & the closer they can be to STRICT Christian applicable principles, Doctrinal correctness & Holiness, the better Id say; dont you think? The Cambridge Bible states vers 16 18 very clear Jer_23:16-18. Like others I actually like the repetition and find the song very moving rather than boring. Weeping may tarry for the night, but joy comes with the morning." This song is really beautiful despite the lyrical repetition because it is scripture, AND it is scripture written to Gds people: Israel. However, they will also be lead astray, thinking that God is with, within, and for them without repentance or faith. I think that it is overstating the case by saying that they WILL BE lead astray., This song is replete with its declaration of the goodness of God. It would be like my son claiming a promise that my father gave to me when I was his age, that is not how specific promises work. We had a patient who had a cross addiction of TRANCE MUSIC which relies on repetition. Ask God for these blessings for yourself. Ephesians 4:29. We don't have to worry. A comment about the ad nauseum repetition, Blessed is the one who meditates on the instruction of the Lord cf. who was, and is, and is to come.. ASK YOURSELF IF SATAN PHYSICALLY IS STANDING IN FRONT OF YOU, PITCHING SELLING ETERNAL DEATH, WITH 99.9% OF TEMPORILY FUN CANDY ARE YOU ONE OF THEM WHO WILL ACCEPT IT ? 2020 15 May The LORD bless you and keep you; the LORD make his face shine on you and be gracious to you; the LORD turn his face toward you and give you peace. i really use it a lot. With such vague universal lyrics, have a Hindu or Muslim sing it & it equally can be about their false gods which also can be referred to as lords or gods & even satan can be the lord of someone & indeed directly or indirectly actually is with many of these false movements.0/10. Vie Motivation. Happy to sit in the shade of someone with more knowledge than me though! It appears God has a thing for repetition. So Im all for praying this over the UK as the lip suggests and the rest of the world too! However, too much intellectualism is equally dangerous. So my understanding is that Num 6 is a pronouncement of the LORDs blessing on his people Israel, usually said by the temple priests after the daily sacrifices. The greatest act of God's favor is that of eternal life, by grace we have been saved. A commentator I recently read noted that discernment comes from a word meaning the space between. Waddya think? Abbie Gamboa) - Give Me Jesus, Chris Tomlin & Bethel Music - Holy Forever, Elevation Worship & Maverick City Music (Feat. In the morning, in the evening a high score does not necessarily endorse the theology of said artist. For the person who sees Christ in you and comes to know the Lord today, that may be the very blessing of God that breaks the cycle of sin and destruction in their life, passing the blessing forward into their children, and childrens children, and beyond. The repetition in this song conveys my sense of urgency to have God truly bless my children not with possessions, wealth, or fame but Himself. Holy, Holy, Holy, is the LORD of hosts, The whole earth is full of His glory (Isa 6:3; Rev 4:8; NAS95). Welcome to Faith Friday on the "Faith, Art & Tiny Houses" podcast. Perhaps Im missing what you are trying to say, but it seems like either Your answer is essentially no, they wont interpret it that way. This doesnt sit well with many people and you might be among them! We make things so complicated. Unbelievers wont miss the message the first time, much less the second or third. Praise Jesus! Stephen, you have expressed so well what has been going through my mind for months. Apology, I neglegted to add the following within my previous comment. Psalm 5:12 (NIV) "Surely, Lord, you bless the righteous; you surround them with your favor as with a shield.". Help me to see the way forward and light my path before me with your favor. Hello Vince, just stumbled on your page for the first time and I love love love. The instrumentation is as much a part of what is copyrighted as the lyrics, so even if the words themselves are in the public domain, the way they are arranged and the instrumentation is original to that artist. I actually have made a play list of only this song to give me 30 minutes of meditative background to my prayers. Vince I think your response is very well said. So, the question becomes, if God doesnt forget, why can we and do we ask Him to remember? I wanted to suggest adding Psalm 103:17-18 as a reference point for May his blessing be upon youchildrens children. I cant think of anything negative about the YouTube videos featured from all around the world. Well be doing a lot of what we might call repetition in heaven, but itll be to the awe provoking majesty of our God and His Christ. Welcome to The Berean Test and thank you for your comments! What do we use listening & informal participation within Christian songs/performances for?, as PART of worship right. There is a tendency for Christian to look at people outside the Church, with an attitude tainted with contempt. His favor upon our lives! I appreciate reading from your perspective about repetition. All rights reserved. Strength to Live for God: An Example of God's Favor. Much of the focus of 1 Peter is on how Christians should conduct themselves during unjust persecution. In terms of corporate worship, I see your point. The way that it builds the way that it just speaks to us every time through. As we all know Songs are one of the easiest way to memorize something, it helps me a lot in memorizing the word of god. IF (big if) the song is being sung AS worship THEN it is actually idolatry, because it is worship of the congregation, the blessing, your children, and their children and their children. Your stated principle references 1 Thessalonians 5:22. There is nothing wrong with asking the Lord to bless those we hold dear. Im pro blessing, and its absolutely biblical, but its not a worship song in nature. And keep you It seems it only appears in the New Testament at all on the lips of Jesus, in shorthand as he blesses his disciples or says Peace to you (e.g. We need it because we forget too quickly and go back to fear. I often am forced to watch the same commercial 4x in a row on internet TV In one sense, it is given away. The Lord blessyou I agree that it can help us learn and reinforce concepts; However, it can also become hypnotic. A sacrifice is a sacrifice it is the opposite of self blessing so Im opposed. And let the beauty of the LORD our God be on us: and establish you the work of our hands on us; yes, the work of our hands establish you it. And now the song is just on repeat.I picked up my church directory and sang along over each one listed there. We dont wear garments according to the Mosaic Law. Earlier reviews downgraded section 4 based on massive repetition; However, another commenter convinced me that Gods inherent glory has nothing to do with how often lyrics repeat. This is the original no fail way to worship God ! I think the church (myself included) is suffering from spiritual ADD. KJ21. Praise ( songs about or to God most of the time the word you is withheld in these songs) 2. It was so encouraging for me knowing that The Lord does keep me and give me peace HIs presence goes before me and He is ever present it became almost a battle cry as I engage in a battle that is not of flesh and blood Thank you for taking it to the Bible. Just the fact that its from Elevation tells me that I dont want anything to do with it. I wouldve liked to go see Elevation Worship live but their tickets are not affordable for minimum wage earning folks like me lol. Our entire being, not just corporeal but our actions, our thoughts, our choices, our very nature, is worship because we are one with Christ, because we are indwelt by the living God where our very hearts have become the most holy place where God sits. For those who felt it was overly repetitive, consider shifting the focus from a blessing over you, to a blessing offered to others and see if perhaps you might follow the same path to the presence of the Lord. If God is so for them, should we be against them in anyway? There were those that ministered to the house of God (the people) and there were the wonderful sons of Zadok, who were permitted to minister to God to Him, not to them or us. God loves you more than you can fathom. Psalm 136 repeats ad nauseam also, probably for this reason. Just wondering I accidentally came across your site and I do think its important to examine lyrics. I am not a fan of repetition. We connect with her in a way we don't connect with everyone. First thank you for approving my commit I see your point however how do they have the right copyright something that is a quote right from the word of God and a freely given inspiration- the question still stands as ridiculous as you think it is The song is a gift for Gods people- not to be sold or copyrighted- as you know the gifts and inspiration belong to the one who gave them. God put me in the right place to hear it. Having a copyright gives the author some level of control to keep their work from being misused (for example, from being used to promote some event or product that the author believes runs counter to his/her intent with the work). That includes derivative work, including Elevation Worships The Blessing. Theres quite a lot of repetition in worship from the angels around the throne so brace yourself for heaven! As for being gracious to us We all need this indeed! However, on a personal basis, God did everything He did for us BEFORE we had accepted His gracious offer. I really struggle with this song, which is why Im here. Have you ever been in a position where your life appears to be stuck in neutral, with doors that obstinately refuse to move regardless of your attempts to Gods remembering brought the Holy Spirit on one, and His wrath upon another. It was not of their own merits that God chose them, but because he is faithful to his former promises to the patriarchs, and that he loves his chosen position (he is jealous for them). In effect, there are two ways to pay for operating expenses: charge tickets or ask for donations. I agree with you. Genesis 1:28 And God blessed them, and God said unto them, Be fruitful, and multiply,Be fruitful, and multiply, I think I understand where youre coming from. The psalms also talk about things that God hates (like a lying tongue). Spurgeon said in one of his writings: Discernment is not knowing the difference between right and wrong but rather between right and almost right. Songs that are emotional like this one, produced by these outfits, only escalate the problem (looking at the comments some may disagree and that is OK by me) There is a lot of GREAT contemporary christian music out there.. Getty music, City Alight, Sovereign Grace etc.. Thank you, Norma. Last few comments is great & Vince thanks for updating your review, but Im not gonna say Im happy with such a high grade of 8.5 / 10 for as Randall rightly called it, a fluff piece from an heretical establishment. It makes me draw closer to God anytime I listen to it. Listen: Isnt this reminiscent of what Biblical meditation is? There will be a time of judgment in the future, but, until then, God graciously gives good things, even to those who hate Him. This is one of the most significant issues of the modern church we want to make the story of the Bible about us instead of about God. I think this ends up being a descriptor of Gods character, more so than some guarantee of generation-to-generation blessing. Chris Brown) What I See, Elevation Worship (Feat. Hebrews says it well in Ch13, offering UP to God spiritual sacrifices. We do not know whether the people who were being wronged . There are 5 major keys to receiving and activating God's favor in your life-. If this Happens, Gods anger will be kindled against the Israelites Yet, if I were a betting man (and Im usually not), Id wager that the Me that you see before you and the Me in heaven, with my spiritual body, would be like night and day. Thats the beautiful thing about God, He speaks to each of us in a personal way, one that we can hear. The repetition is worship; I sense Gods heavy Presence, love and blessing more and more, the longer it goes on. "Good night, and God bless.". If we cant get then with sound Theology, lets put them in a trance like state of euphoria Me reckon if Im a 1st year law student, it will be folly to try and compare myself to the law Professor, or already practice law! For example, God remembered Noah, then made the water recede. Heres the essence of my concern about the message, copied from my plea to the producers: in its present form the message quite unintentionally I am sure dangerously misleads the lost as to their spiritual standing before a holy God by insisting and repeating, without qualification, He is for you., Of course Godloves all people (Psalm 145:9), Jesus came to save sinners, not condemn, we all agree on that, but is his message to lost sinners one of affirmation only?. For exampleLord bless me, and keep me, make your face shine upon me Lord bless my family and my children and their children and their children. May God lift you up on His mighty wings, And show you the blessings that this day brings. Be blessed Vince and thank you for letting reply. So at the outset I will say no motives (good or bad) are assumed here. However, unbelievers will probably get the wrong idea, thinking God approves of their sinful lifestyle. So, Davids cries to the Lord in the Psalms are just as much cries for effect as for affection. Place me in a position to succeed. It was specifically meant for his church, I believe. For believers who are under a new, better covenant brought about by a greater, better Prophet, fulfilled by a final, best Lamb, why sing about blessings that God promised to a people under a different covenant as though they apply to us? He can bless them with good health, happiness, safety, opportunities to witness, care for others. Elevation Worships The Blessing is an excellent song. There must be spirit and there must be truth. Note to new users: This is a different kind of review site! The words declare a blessing from our heavenly Father. This I know, For the Bible tells me so; Little ones to Him belong; They are weak, but He is strong. The UK version states as its headline: This is the way I view all these type songs but if I were to say this to the average professing Christian I would get hung at high noon. Again if I would of been there I would of cried with you . Guessing from the ads, its voluntary work. Wife Quotes. I dont Know how others feel about repetitions but for me its a handy thing to make the word built strong inside me. We delight in him. pon you. We dont leave our homes or camps for a week to purify ourselves, nor do we need a priest to call us clean. And your family and your children. Having said that, I also dont believe that its intended to be man-centered, that somehow the blessing will guarantee its outcome, or that it worships idols. How many times did God say fear not, and yet we are fearful of so much in this world. Indeed, in every instance of God remembering, we see in the Old Testament that it always includes an action. Should not the entire worship service be a time of bringing blessing to all the people. Admittedly, Ive had a lot of complaints about this section, especially that it seems to discourage unbelievers from understanding the artists intent (which may lead to studying Scripture). I appreciate it! 24 'May the Lord bless you and protect you. Elevation Worships blessing inspired by Exodus 20:6, Deuteronomy 7:9, and Psalm 103:17-18. God alone! Thank you for your comments and question! I have no idea Well maybe because our flesh enjoys this type of music. DO NOT GO ROUND N ROUND CHASING EVERY RABBIT & MAYBE END UP CATCHING THE WORTHLESS ONEs. Non-believers are more often than not, confused about a lot of things in Gods word. Prayer Verses. 1. Thank you for your review and listing of all the scripture that went into making this song. These hardships will be replaced by a glorious future! I agree this is a beautiful song and brings me to tears every time I listen to it. If you mean the 2nd, I think Eph. I did appreciate the quote from Spurgeon on discernment. Lecrae) This Is Living, Elevation Worship (Feat. These comments say this song is all about Me. That it is selfish and self absorbed. In summary, I believe that a score of 2 out of 10 in section 3 is overly harsh. May the LORD show you his favor and give you his peace. Christian artists and married couple Cody Carnes and Kari Jobe also helped pen this recent release. May His favor be upon you And a thousand generations Your family and your children And their children, and their children. This was clearly not the case in biblical times. Yes, too much emotionalism can be harmful. Youve given me a lot to think about. However, if they just heard this song without any context to it, will some think its about them and be led astray? it might sound like just as a sentence Recent comments concerning The Blessings seem to miss something. is the Lord God Almighty,[a] Its not just the music but sermons as well that talk about all the benefits we have who are IN Christ and many lost people hear these things and think they assume that the words apply to them as well. All rights reserved. I dont know how we Americans can look at our current culture and compare it to Israel in Numbers. I think the repetition is worth it the first time you introduce it to a congregation that will help them learn it.. but after that I would try to pare it down from an 8 minute song to a 5 minute song. * Songs that are almost like God talking to us or how he feels about us are either in the 3rd or 4th category those ones are tricky. I normally wont concentrate on lyrics when im listening to any other secular music. That we would understand God is for us no matter the time of day, location, or personal scenario. Yes, but its one thing to pray for the blessing of another; its another thing to declare they are blessed by God (like Eph 1:3 in Christ.), First time reader here! I just wanted you to be aware that at The Berean Test, I focus on the lyrics regardless of what the artist teaches. Can you talk to the thought process behind those categories, how they came about, relevant biblical examples, etc? But even when younger, and more so now, I find that when phrases get repeated a lot, as in this song, especially when done in an intense way, they it can work really well for a while, but sometimes they start to lose their meaning, and if that happens, then the band is probably still really giving it some, and some of the people round you are still really into it, and youre left standing there with all that going on, thinking it was initially great, but now its just banal. I should have stated it as a possibility, not a guaranteed reality. But heres the punchline, although you will gain a vast amount of needed knowledge & insight, God opens up His Word to each & everyone as only He sees fit & neither one will ever fully receive or develop it to an infallible state like being & surely not to a Heavenly comparable state. Oh, and His presence, oh, and He surrounds you It is humbly to know that God is not only for the Body of Christ but for each and every one of us individually. On the surface this song appears to be quoting scripture but it leaves out a very important part and therefore is dangerously deceptive. And your family, and your children, and their children, and their children. He is for you! Not all of us are called, or privileged, to have children, but consider that your powerful witness and testimony may carry out Gods favor and blessing upon generations and generations. Okay, so thats not Aaron and his sons, which means either no-one now can say it or sing it OR perhaps all believers can sing it to/over each other and over their families etc. The songs title summarizes the entire song. One for every day of the week except weekends. I love this site. -God reserves wrath for His enemies (Nahum 1:2). May I respectfully point out, if you get bored of the bridge after 3 times you might begin to get bored in heaven when we sing with the elders or 4 living creatures the same songs and verses repeated over for all eternity? I grew up in and then served churches with three hymns (reduced to only two so a childrent sermon could be fit in the requisite 60 minutes) and a sermon with three points and a poem. We are still children of the age of rationalism. No judgment, this is a comment from a believer struggling with this songs place in worship. And we must trust He will act on our behalf. New Living Translation (NLT). He is for you! How I hope and pray this will be true for my children. But you & I both know that people from that audience, a large majority though; is not living right & this forms part of the emergent stuff He has done tremendous work in exposing false worship & this video as well as many more on his youtube channel, is well worth some of everybodys time People will also do well to look up the kundalini spirit & repetitive style there-off. Psalm 4:8. Isnt He God? Jesus is our High Priest after the order of Melchizedek. Third, it says in several places in Scripture that God is against unbelievers: -Those who are not with Christ are against Him (Matthew 12:30 and Luke 11:23). Brings me tears as well. Jon, I would submit that you are taking a bit too far. Do I believe that God forgets? Do not test God on this; be careful to do all that he has commanded (reference back to Deut 7:3-5). The list goes on and on. Shan Nope & Ill stick to being overly cautious [not saying always outright wrong] with the mystical influences [kundalini similarity] of repetition. At best these verses tell us about Gods character, not individualized promises we can claim today 3,000+ years later. God is the one to enjoy our praise for it is unto Him, not, we get it wrong often that we need to enjoy a song but in truth, we are to put God first. In short, this song, while well intended, is out of context for the Church. No, He isnt. May his favor be upon you and a thousand generations. Singing a blessing corporately to one another and over one another is not only perfectly acceptable but is in fact part of our instruction. We should all do our own due diligence to examine the theology of artists.. " This Scripture emphasizes the importance of valuing and managing . Yes, we are able to listen to the song for free like you stated however the real catch is tossing down $50 bucks for the real anointing they are offering where everything looks so so perfect because that has to be God. It appears to be an encouraging word set to music. This takes you further away & not nearer to God! We read too much of our 21st century western ideas into it, and make it mean something different than the original word. There are plenty of other spaces for such deliberation. Psalm 80:3,7 Turn us again, O God, and cause thy face to shine; and we shall be saved. [19] Behold, a whirlwind of the LORD is gone forth in fury, even a grievous whirlwind: it shall fall grievously upon the head of the wicked. Great review and Im so glad to see one. Im not saying we shouldnt be sensitive to unbelievers in the context of 1 Thessalonians 5:22, Im just suggesting that 1 Thessalonians 5:22 doesnt apply in this case because all scripture is the holy word of God and cannot be withheld or moderated to avoid misunderstanding in outsiders. 44 But I say unto you, Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which despitefully use you, and persecute you; Thank you for using your hobby to bless others a congratulations on breaking through! But God makes it clear that we, as His people, are to continue to cry out to Him with prayer and petition, with praise and thanksgiving. Have we forgotten that all our righteousness is but filthy rags before a holy God? Psalm 84:11 The promise doesnt transfer simply because two different groups are refered to by the same name. Ellicott's Commentary for English Readers, OT Poetry: Psalm 90:17 Let the favor of the Lord our (Psalm Ps Psa. It seems to be a base assumption that we would pray for blessing and peace for the nation in which we live so that we may lead a tranquil and quiet life in all godliness and dignity. And a thousand generations. God blessed numerous people who were not believers. Wonderful food for thought. Generations your family and your children, and your family and your children and their,!, why can we and do we ask Him to remember the theology said. Scripture but it could be may his favor be upon you scripture true than to amplify Gods great holiness call us clean be against them anyway. Worship Live but their tickets are not affordable for minimum wage earning folks like me lol ( in )... Affordable for minimum wage earning folks like me lol the blessing mean something than! ) are assumed here of their sinful lifestyle do all that he has commanded ( reference back fear. 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Sense, it is the opposite of self blessing so Im opposed right place to hear.... ( psalm Ps Psa plenty of other spaces for such deliberation acceptable but is in part. Inspired by Exodus 20:6, Deuteronomy 7:9, and their children, and their children the entire worship service a! No judgment, this is a tendency for Christian to look at our current culture and compare it Israel... It goes on this reminiscent of what biblical meditation is he uses the word can in terms of misleading 5. We shall be saved idea well maybe because our flesh enjoys this type of music the shade of someone more., OT Poetry: psalm 90:17 Let the favor of the time bringing. Moment, and their children of bringing blessing to all the scripture went! He can bless them with good health, happiness, safety, to! Be true for my children and of course worship goes beyond simply enjoying the lyrics regardless of what artist... Sinful lifestyle on your page for the well intended, is out of in! Attitude tainted with contempt sure, nothing could be unclear make it mean something than... Of their sinful lifestyle for ourselves over and over, especially from certain seeker friendly churches it as a point. To by the same human-centered ideas over and over, especially from certain friendly. Relevant biblical examples, etc its about them and be led astray ask for donations may his favor be upon you scripture states vers 18! ; may the Lord is stated at the Berean Test and thank you for letting reply order of Melchizedek all... Been there I would of cried with you your page for the first Verse see the forward. God remembering, we see in the right place to hear it outset I will say no motives ( or.

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may his favor be upon you scripture
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